Building Resilient Individual During Great Emotional Stress


The Ionia Whipper Home  will provide a series of workshops for children 6-12, who are experiencing stress due  to the trauma of COVID-19. The identified participants will also be experiencing at least one additional  trauma such as homelessness, hunger, academic deficient, behavior challenges or family abuse/negligence. BRIDGES will serve 10-15 students recruited from elementary schools in the Washington, DC Metropolitan area.

 The goals of the workshops are to:

  • Support children as they deal with external stress 
  • Develop immunity against them. 

The workshops will allow participants to  identify, explore and implement strategies to build emotional resiliency, which is the ability to cope and rebound from emotional stress without letting it affect the internal motivation. Upon completion of the 10-week sessions the participants will create a vision board that expresses how they can express  their options in stressful situations. 

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